First Baseball Game

We enjoyed a lovely (and sweltering 90+ degree hot) family day taking Aiden to his very first baseball game.  Aiden LOVED it.  He definitely has his Daddy's baseball loving genes.  Aiden would clap and cheer (sometimes for the Orioles, sometimes for the Mets) and danced to the stadium music.  We weren't sure how long Aiden would last, especially without his midday nap, but he lasted the whole entire 3+ hour game.  Did I mention it was 95 degrees?  Luckily our seats were in the shade and club level, which meant we had access to air conditioning.  Aiden was snoring away in the car before we even got back onto the highway!



June 14, 2010 at 7:55 AM

I'm glad that you guys survived the hot summer day. Those pictures are just too cute.