O Christmas Tree!

We had the bright idea to go and chop our tree down on Saturday.  Perfect weather-snow-right?  Wrong.  Someone forgot to remind Jim and I about all the rain we'd had prior to the snow.  This led to a nice muddy trek through the tree farm.  And of course, Aiden wanted to walk and run all by himself.  Which led to multiple face plants in the mud.  Fun times!  Oh, did I mention that it was cold and snowing??  Despite the cold, mud, and a temper tantrum in the car once I realized that someone forgot Aiden's snack, we had a great time.  Especially Aiden.  And that's what matters most.  Mud washes off, and fingers and toes eventually dry and get warm.

Checking out the first snowflakes of the season.  Aiden LOOOOVED the snow!

Not a fan of the tree farm Santa.Or was it the multiple layers of clothing??

Brushing the snow off the tree.  What you can't see in this picture is Jim literally laying in a puddle of mud trying to cut the tree down. 

Aiden loved the tree farm!

Standing next to the winning tree.

Cuter than a Christmas card picture.  Sasha was just groomed, so she has her sweater on, since she's cold without all that fur.  I came in from doing laundry, and Sasha was laying much like a cat on the pillows of the sofa.

Aiden loved checking out the Christmas ornaments.

Dancing to Christmas music and playing with Daddy's North Pole Pilsner ornament.

The tree!  Crooked...of course!

Aiden's ornament-the dog from Bolt.  We let him pick out any ornament in the store and he saw the dog, and in typical Aiden fashion, continued to say dog for about ten minutes.  What can I say, the boy loves dogs!