A Fun Day Off!

I was off for Martin Luther King day, and Aiden and I had a fun day together with an unexpected snowfall. First, we went to storytime at Barnes & Noble with my Mommy group. This involved Aiden skipping his morning nap, which he's started to do on weekends (eek!) When we left storytime, it had started to snow, and we wound up getting about 2 inches. Aiden fell asleep drinking his pre-nap bottle. When he woke up from his nap, we played. When Daddy came home, we went out and played in the snow! Aiden wasn't quite sure what to make of the snow, but the dogs sure liked it.



January 21, 2009 at 9:43 PM


Aiden is so cute!!! Your blog is great and if you don't mind, I will link it to mine. Tell everyone at North Harford I said hello!!
