
Jim and I use the term "wanky" to describe when we are whiny and cranky (any idea who the term was first used to describe???) Well, Aiden has had a particularly wanky week. After the milestone of sleeping from 9:30-5 a.m. Saturday night, it seems he's been particularly wanky. He's still sleeping good at night, but during the day he will only sleep in my arms. Sometimes he won't even sleep in my arms, he'll just scream. I think he's going through a growth spurt, because he's also been eating almost every hour on the hour.

Classic Aiden-he likes to use his hands while screaming

staring at the chair

picking his head up like a big boy

finally asleep!

so peaceful

sleeping on Mommy-pretty much the only place Aiden will nap

Sammy guards the fireplace hearth

Sasha wanted her picture in the blog as well